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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

New material combines photons for big solar energy gains

IR solar head

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An innovative new approach to solar energy from University of California Riverside could dramatically increase the amount of light available to contemporary solar panel designs. Rather than widening the absorption spectrum of the solar panels themselves, this new study looked at taking currently inaccessible infra-red light and turning it into visible light. They hope that by directing this newly fabricated light onto conventional solar panels, the efficiency of solar power could be greatly improved, for an affordable price.
Infrared light currently passes straight through most silicon solar cell technologies, representing a substantial inefficiency in generating electricity from sunlight. Much of solar research has worked to directly convert infrared light to electricity, but such technologieschange the transistor design, and thus the manufacturing process for solar panels. Their impacts tend to be limited by cost concerns, more than anything else.
This transistor concept can trap and absorb infrared radiation, but current manufacturers cannot make it cheaply.
This transistor concept can trap and absorb infrared radiation, but current manufacturers can’t make it cheaply.
These researchers chose to accept the absorptive abilities of current silicon transistors, and instead looked to make the light conform to the panels. They created an all-new hybrid material that takes two photons of 980-nanometer infrared light shone onto it and “up converts” them into one photon of 550-nanometer orange/yellow light. This photon has almost double the energy of the originals and, more importantly, it exists in a form that existing solar panels can absorb.
By changing the incoming sunlight into silicon’s favorite for absorption, the material could improve solar panel efficiency by as much as 30%. And while the costs of the material itself are not yet known, there is huge potential in offering such large improvements without the need to completely reinvent the transistor manufacturing process.
This hybrid material combines two things: an inorganic layer with semiconductor nanoparticles — this absorbs the infrared light, but isn’t capable of directly passing it into the electricity generating process. Instead, the light moves on to the organic phase of the material, which takes these long-wavelength photons and combines them. The resulting, lower-wavelength photons can move on to be absorbed by the transistors of the solar panel as normal, just as though it has been that color upon first arrival.
This chart shows the relative amounts of energy falling in different weather conditions.
This chart shows the relative amounts of energy falling in different weather conditions. Source.
The overall costs of solar power lie much more in installation, maintenance, and land use costs than in the panels themselves; adding a new layer of this IR-capturing material would certainly increase panel costs, but could still improve the affordability of solar power. Infrared radiation accounts for an enormous amount of the energy in direct sunlight, and it is currently being missed by every solar panel outside of a research laboratory.
In general, this sort of research into the manipulation of light could allow a wider rollout of solar power around the world. Plenty of raw energy is falling on highly clouded days, but the distribution of that energy through the spectrum is different, and harder for modern solar panels to turn into power. Infrared radiation moves through and overcast sky quite well, however; if its energy could be added to that of the cloud-filtered visible light, solar might start to make good financial sense in less sunny areas than Texas and California.
The ability to accurately convert photons between wavelengths could have a wide range of applications, from medical imaging to optical data storage, but none is so direct as solar power. Energy will be one of the defining issues of the next few decades, and while some all-new tech revolution may end up saving the day, evolutionary steps like this one will be needed to sustain the world until that day comes.

Monday, July 20, 2015

ExtremeTech explains: How do solar cells work?

ExtremeTech explains: How do solar cells work?

solar panels head2

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There are really only two possible endpoints for human energy production, and they’re both fusion. Either we find a way to create tiny, controlled fusion reactions here on Earth (fusion power) or we find a way to usefully collect a good portion of the energy already being released form the enormous fusion reactor our solar system has built right in (solar power). The nice thing about the solar option is that it can come about incrementally, giving us partial utility while inching ever-closer to the tipping point, when it could provide for the majority of our electrical needs. But what is a solar cell, the centrally important component of solar power, and how does it work?
A solar cell, also called a photovoltaic cell, is defined as any device that can capture some of the energy of a photon of light, and pass that energy on to a device or storage medium in the form of electricity. Not all solar power is photovoltaic in nature, as some solar technologies collect the heat of absorbed photons, rather than their energy, directly. Still, with such a general definition, the term photovoltaics encompasses a wide variety of different technologies.
Solar panels being manufactured
People in bunny-suits making solar panels.
All of them have one thing in common, however: they use the energy of a photon to excite electrons in the cell’s semi-conducting material from a non-conductive energy level to a conductive one. What makes this complex is that not all photons are created equal. Light arrives as an unhelpful amalgamation of wavelengths and energy levels, and no one semi-conducting material is capable of properly absorbing all of them. This means that to increase the efficiency of capture of solar radiation, we have to make hybrid (“multi-junction”) cells that use more than one absorbing material.
Each semi-conducting material has a characteristic “band gap” or a spectrum of electron energies which the material simply cannot abide. This gap lies between the electron’s excited and unexcited states. An electron in its rest state cannot be excited into usefulness unless it receives enough excess energy to jump right over this band gap. Silicon has a nice, achievable band gap, one that can be bridged by a single photon’s-worth of extra energy. This allows silicon to be nicely either on (conducting) or off (not), as defined by the position of its potentially conductive electrons.
A material like graphene could, in one sense, be a far better basis for a photovoltaic cell than silicon due to its incredible electrical efficiency and the potential to be packed far more densely on the panels themselves — the big problem comes back to the band gap, and graphene’s inability to be properly excited by the power of an incoming photon. Some complex graphene devices like dual gate bilayer graphene transistors — but the problems with actually manufacturing such devices offsets the potential gains, at least for now.
SPS ALPHA, space-based solar power plant concept
Solar power is a lot easier to collect in space — but then you’ve got to actually get it down to the surface.
Real progress will have to wait for a suitably affordable super-material is found that can provide a useful band gap while also beating silicon’s mechanical and electronic properties by a fair margin. Until then, interim solutions have managed to greatly increase the functional abilities of silicon-based panels.
Anti-reflective coatings increase the amount of light absorbed overall, while chemical “doping” of the transistors themselves can improve silicon’s optical abilities. Some solar setups use fields of mirrors to concentrate as much solar radiation as possible on just a few high-capacity cells at the center. Many are now even designed as light-capture devices, so light that enters gets bounced around internally, forever, until it’s all eventually absorbed. Last fall, researchers at the University of Michigan even developed a fully transparent solar cell.
Heat may also be an increasingly important part of solar power rigs, since any radiation not electronically absorbed will at least be partially absorbed as raw heat. Using this heat to boil water, or even heat homes directly, could help civilian solar power improve overall efficiency even while electrical super-materials continue to play catch-up.
Even more out-there concepts, like space-based solar power, offer some potential by capturing light before it’s filtered through the Earth’s atmosphere; Japan wants to generate a gigawatt of solar power in space, for instance. The problem is getting the power down to the surface, where it could be useful to human beings. The Japanese initiative looks to use lasers for that purpose, but there’s no telling whether bypassing the atmosphere will prove to be a winning strategy, overall.
Solar cells have been hamstrung by several decades of premature headlines announcing such a winning overall strategy and the oncoming dominance of solar power. The reality is that there will almost certainly never be any such eureka moment in engineering. Solar cell technology will be amended and upgraded until it passes some abstract threshold based on affordability, the state of power storage and transmission technology, and the local annual level of sunlight.
All types of solar power will be important to any real attempt to roll out green power on a national scale. Unless fusion makes huge leaps forward, or classical nuclear power becomes a whole lot more popular, you can bet that solar will be a big part of our energy future.

Property of non-stick pans improves solar cell efficiency

July 20, 2015
 The same quality that buffers a raincoat against downpours or a pan against sticky foods can also boost the performance of solar cells, according to a new study from UNL engineers.

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